Monica's Fundraiser
I Am Running the LA Big 5k to Save Homeless Animals
Please help Critter and I raise money for an amazing cause!
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
On March 18th, 2023 I will join a team of animal lovers who will run or walk The LA Big 5k to raise money for Kitten Rescue.
Kitten Rescue is a non-profit organization dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and placement of homeless cats and kittens. This cause is very important to me because my cat, Critter was abandoned in an alley at less than 4 weeks old. Luckily, I was able to give him a loving home. Kitten Rescue gives cats and kittens that same chance at a loving home.
Kitten Rescue cares for 1,200 cats at any given time and have saved over 31,000 cats since 1997. Some cats who need special care, are elderly, or are unlikely to be adopted have a forever home at the KR Cat Sanctuary. When you donate to my fundraiser you are helping to save the lives of cats and kittens who would otherwise not have a chance.