Help Us Survive The Cat Days of Summer  image

Help Us Survive The Cat Days of Summer

Kittens need our help now

$33,752 raised

$30,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Help Us Help Them

Summer is always the most challenging time of the year for us. Our foster homes, Sanctuary and Nursery are at capacity, and the calls for help keep coming in. The pandemic has only compounded these challenges.

We are being hit hard by the the mounting vet bills and cost of day-to-day operations to keep up with the demand of our increased intake, which is up by 45%. Many of the kittens that we are saving from the streets are sick or injured. Kittens need our help, and that means we need YOUR help.

Please help us reach our goal of $30,000.00 to get us through the Cat Days of Summer, so that we can save more kittens in need.